Now you’re the newest MPL manager, let’s have a look at what the job involves.

Get your squad together

You might be the boss, but you are nothing without your players!

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Look out for this module when creating your team to generate your synths >>>

Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 13.58.14.png

Bring out the best in your players

The Gaffer loves a trier, but we can’t deny that some players have more natural talent than others.

There are 8 skill levels on Mars, from struggling through to god like. Each skill level has an associated number of skill points available to allocate across seven different skill attributes - passing, defending, playmaking, finishing, goalkeeping, stamina and wing play.

Synthetics (naturally) aren’t quite as good as their organic counterparts, hence having slightly fewer skill points at each skill level. Gaffer hasn’t quite nailed replicating the higher levels of human or martian natural talent either, and has only managed to create Synthetics up to excellent skill level to date (with some not even making the novice grade!).

Skill level Players on Mars MPL skill points Synthetic skill points Skill attribute cap
Struggling Synths only. 24 22 12
Novice 2,891 28 26 14
Passable 2,302 32 30 16
Solid 1,790 38 36 19
Excellent 1,520 46 44 23
Outstanding 988 58 29
Legendary 415 74 37
God like 94 98 48

<aside> 💡 Martians benefit from +4 skill points, while astronauts benefit from +10 skill points!


Generate skill attributes